Knowing When to Wait on Plastic Surgery

Knowing When to Wait on Plastic Surgery

After Pregnancy

Celebrity moms seem to recover their figures in unattainable ways. Those hoping for similar results have two options. If old-fashioned hard work doesn’t get you there, you can opt for a “Mommy Makeover.” This Beverly Hills plastic surgery procedure focuses on the breasts, abdomen, love handles, labia, and vagina — areas most affected by pregnancy.

If you want a Mommy Makeover, plan to wait six months to a year before having any surgery. This allows time for the tissues in your abdominal wall to stabilize and your hormone balance to restore itself. It allows for the breast skin and tissue to stabilize as well. You should, therefore, wait another three-to-six months after breastfeeding for your breast surgery.

Some women experience elongated labia and widening of the vagina after childbirth. The labia often shrink after delivery, so the six-month minimum wait time is important. Consider waiting until you stop having children before you have vaginal surgeries. Going through labor again may reverse them.

Losing Weight Naturally

Your BMI (Body Mass Index) is an indication of how much body fat you carry based on your weight and height. Your BMI can be determined with this BMI Calculator. Beverly Hills plastic surgery procedures like liposuction, tummy tuck, and lift procedures should be done when you are within 15%-20% of your goal weight. This is because plastic surgery is not a substitute for losing weight through diet and exercise.

“Liposuction is a body contouring procedure, not a weight loss procedure,” writes Millicent Odunze, MD on It is intended for people who are overweight — with BMIs of 25 to 29 — but not obese. The goal of liposuction is to improve appearance. People with BMIs of 30 or above who are having trouble losing weight can consider bariatric surgery, which will decrease the size of their stomachs. If the BMI is greater than 35, liposuction may still be effective in spot-reducing certain areas, like under the chin.

If you are interested in body sculpting and shaping anywhere on your body contact Dr. Brent today. Dr. Brent provides the best plastic surgery in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles.

Growing Up

According to, there are no specific laws in the United States that prevent teenagers from getting cosmetic surgery. That doesn’t mean teenagers shouldn’t take extra precaution, though. You must have parental consent if you are under the age of 18. This is for good reason. It is your parent’s responsibility to make sure you take care of your body as it continues to grow. Your mind is still growing as well, so you don’t want to make an irreversible decision before you can fully process its meaning.

Teenagers who want plastic surgery should demonstrate the following qualities:

  1. They voice a specific concern and realistic goals: Straightening out a bump on the nose is specific and realistic. Having a perfect nose is not.
  2. They are mature and understand the procedure, risks, and consequences: Understanding the risks involved shows maturity. Quitting swimming practice for 6 weeks to heal demonstrates understanding and responsibility.
  3. They initiate the request for surgery: The idea must come from the child themselves, not the parent or a friend.

When these criteria are not met, the teenager should wait a few years before having plastic surgery.

Checking in with Yourself

It is not only teenagers who should make sure they are having surgery for the right reasons. Many times, adults have unrealistic expectations about how their surgeries will turn out or change their lives. Plastic surgery can give you greater self-confidence and add to your sense of wellbeing. However, it will not make you into someone else or solve your personal problems. The ideal patient thinks over their Beverly Hills plastic surgery for many years before taking action. According to, most patients have thought about plastic surgery seriously for 5 years or more. In addition, look in the mirror and ask yourself these questions:

  • What is your motivation? Do you think your spouse will love you more? Or, are you doing this for yourself?
  • Ask yourself: What is it about that flawed part of my body that I want to correct and why? When did I start thinking about cosmetic surgery? Was it because I wanted to do something about it or was it because someone else made a remark?
  • What are your expectations for cosmetic surgery? Are they realistic? That is, are there just slight aging irregularities that you seek to correct, or is this a way to make up for deeper issues?

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery

Dr. Brent performs plastic surgery on the body, breast, and face. He also developed six signature procedures which he is proud to offer at his clinics in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles. In addition, Dr. Brent performs many non-surgical plastic surgery procedures with the utmost care and professionalism. Find out why Dr. Brent is called the best plastic surgeon Beverly Hills and Los Angeles have to offer! Contact Dr. Brent today and start your virtual consultation!

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