Brow Lift

Every time we raise our eyebrows, we push the forehead one step closer to lasting wrinkles. Additionally, this area is one of the most visible for signs of aging. Dr. Brent’s technique for a brow lift restores the forehead area, leading to a renewed, alert, and younger-looking appearance. As a double board-certified surgeon, he provides several options for this popular procedure in Beverly Hills at his plastic surgery center.


What Is a Brow Lift?

Also called a forehead lift, a brow lift is a type of plastic surgery that addresses and reduces signs of aging above the eyes to the hairline. The factors that age the forehead are many, and few are easy to avoid. Some, such as genetics, cannot be avoided at all. But that does not mean patients cannot remain in control of their appearance. Some of the ways a brow lift can reinvigorate your appearance include how it can:

  • Tighten up sagging brows
  • Smooth away wrinkles and lines
  • Remove excess skin
  • Create a more alert expression
  • Improve the appearance of upper eyes
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Brow Lift at a Glance

Type of Procedure: Facial, cosmetic, surgical
Surgery Duration: 1.5 to 2 hours, on average
Recovery Time: 2 weeks initial period
Results Duration: 10+ years
Popular Combinations: Other face procedures (e.g., facelift, neck lift, eyelid surgery)

Before and After

before after brow lift procedure patient 1
before after brow lift procedure patient 2

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Various Techniques

Brow lift techniques continue to evolve, and Dr. Brent always uses the latest and most effective methods. His skill ensures that your results look natural while meeting your aesthetic goals.

Classic (Coronal) Brow Lift

A traditional method that has proven and consistent results. Highly effective for more significant cosmetic concerns and signs of aging.

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Endoscopic Brow Lift

Another technique uses an endoscope, a long, thin tube with a light on the end, attached to a video camera. Dr. Brent creates small incisions hidden behind your hairline and inserts the endoscope. By doing so, he sees and works on the various internal structures of your forehead. The repositioned tissue smooths out wrinkles, and your trimmed forehead muscles causes them to contract less. Endoscopic Brow Lift can be combined with a facelift or eyelid surgery for a complete rejuvenation.

Temporal Lift

Also called a minimally invasive brow lift, this technique uses smaller incisions and has a faster recovery. Think of it as a dialed-back endoscopic lift best suited for milder signs of aging.

Procedure Overview

  • Preparing for Your Surgery: Step one is the consultation where you can work with Dr. Brent to build your procedure plan. After that, he will give you a few key steps for preparing. These improve safety and promote a smooth experience (e.g., bloodwork, medication changes, planning your ride home).
  • During the Surgery: Dr. Brent typically uses general anesthesia for brow lift surgery. This fully sedates the patient to prevent any pain during the surgery. While you are under, he will methodically and precisely go through each step of your agreed-upon plan. By the end, he examines the results before closing all incisions.
  • After the Surgery: You will wake up and be taken to a comfortable, private recovery room. Spend as much time here as you need, and once you feel ready, you can return home. However, you will need someone to drive you (e.g., a friend or family member).


Is a brow lift right for me?

A forehead lift is best for patients with moderate to severe signs of aging. And the type of technique used will depend on your unique concerns and goals. While the procedure is open to a wide range of patients, it is important for patients to be nonsmoking, in good health, and holding a positive outlook. A consultation allows you to fully explore your options and learn if a brow lift is right for you.

What is the recovery and downtime like for a brow lift?

The recovery time for a brow lift depends on three main elements: personal recovery speed, type of technique, and post-procedure care. However, the amount of downtime does not vary drastically, with most patients needing to take 1 to 2 weeks off from work and physical activity. A temporal lift may require closer to 1 week, while a coronal lift may be closer to 2 weeks.

Swelling and discomfort are normal, and Dr. Brent will give you instructions on how to manage both as needed. Often, even over-the-counter pain relievers are enough to keep patients comfortable enough while recovering. He will also provide detailed post-procedure care instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery, enhanced results, and improved safety.

When will I see my forehead lift results?

The surgery creates instant changes, but the results are only apparent after you have begun to progress with recovery. Typically, you can start to see your results after 2 weeks, when initial swelling and bruising fade. However, residual swelling can take a few months to fade. While you might not actively notice residual swelling, it can still create minor alterations to your appearance. Once it fades and the tissues are settled, you can see your final results. With a healthy lifestyle and good skin care, patients can see their results last for 10 to 15 years in many cases.

How do I choose the right surgeon?

Your appearance is a core element of your identity, so it crucial to be in good hands for your surgery. Taking the time to find the right surgeon is always worthwhile, and we recommend steps such as:

  • Maximizing Your Consultation: Take your time and ask any questions you might have. There is no wrong question, and Dr. Brent will take the time to ensure you fully understand your options and chosen procedure details.
  • Looking at Before-and-After Photos: Take a look at your surgeon’s previous work. It is a chance for you to see the expected quality (and for your surgeon to demonstrate their track record).
  • Checking for Certifications: Being board-certified is an absolute necessity. If your surgeon is double board certified, that is even better. It demonstrates a key level of skill and knowledge in their respective field.

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Book Your Consultation

Dr. Brent has been helping patients restore their appearance to a youthful and expressive state for years. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, his skill and experience have made him a leader in plastic surgery. Each brow lift he performs in Beverly Hills receives the same high standard of attention and focus, providing consistently stunning results. Book your consultation with him today to start building a personalized procedure plan with signature techniques and a tailored approach.

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