Are LiveFill Results Permanent?

Are LiveFill Results Permanent?

LiveFill is an exciting element of breast augmentation that Dr. Brent has begun utilizing in his procedures – oftentimes with stunning results that leave patients generally feeling very satisfied with the outcomes. But are LiveFill results permanent?

Are LiveFill Results Permanent?

If you’re considering undergoing LiveFill breast augmentation, then you may be curious about how long you can expect the results to last. In most cases, the answer to this question is, fortunately more or less permanent.

However, like all elements of the body, the permanence of these fillers are subject to the elements and how they are treated, so it pays to be aware of the factors that can impact their longevity.

The LiveFill Basics

LiveFill breast augmentation, also known as LBAM, is a breast augmentation technique that utilizes fat transfer in order to reshape and refill the breasts in a more pleasing manner.

LiveFill bridges the gap between fat transfers, which have more natural-looking results but shorter durations, with implants that have longer durations but appear more synthetic.

By combining the best of both of these techniques, LiveFill arrives at a very pleasing and pragmatic synthesis of form and function.

During a LiveFill transfer, the transferred fat generally suffers no trauma or degradation, which results in a very natural and pleasantly shaped enhancement once the surgery is complete.

Who Makes a Good LiveFill Candidate?

Generally speaking, individuals who are in a good state of health with few or no limiting health factors will find themselves approved for LiveFill.

Problems will arise if the patient suffers from any serious chronic health conditions, such as heart or lung disease.

Additionally, a history of botched surgery or complex surgical history will also complicate your eligibility for LiveFill.

You’ll determine your fitness and eligibility with your physician during your pre-surgical consultation.

Should I Get LiveFill or Other Breast Augmentation?

LiveFill is currently this facility’s recommendation for individuals who would like to receive some kind of augmentation but don’t necessarily want to deal with synthetic implants.

Synthetic implants, asides from having an appearance that many patients find unappealing, also have the potential to cause adverse reactions in patients who might be allergic to some of the synthetic materials within. This makes finding another, safer option paramount for those who still want to find treatment.

Since LBAM only uses your body’s own natural tissue, the chance of having an allergic reaction or adverse phenomenon occur is exceedingly lower than with synthetic implants.

If you’re not opposed to or at risk of receiving synthetic implants, then you might prefer that option overall for aesthetic reasons. In addition, your physician will be able to advise you based on their own recommendations.

What Impacts LiveFill Longevity?

Given that LiveFill results are more-or-less permanent, they can resist most stressors that are placed on them. However, many of the same guidelines that exist for maintaining healthy skin in general exist for LiveFill.

For example, excessive exposure to the sun and accidental injury are both things that have the potential to impact the longevity of your LBAM procedure.

More subtle things, such as nursing or the impact of childbearing, also have the potential to wear on the chest area. It also has the potential to impact other areas of the body.

This is why Dr. Brent often combines LBAM surgery with Hybrid Tummy Tuck, a technique that slims the abdomen with shorter incisions than what is typically required from a traditional Tummy Tuck.

During your consultation with Dr. Brent, you’ll be able to determine whether or not your personal situation would pair well with a Hybrid Tummy Tuck.

Preparing For LiveFill Treatment

Preparing For LiveFill Treatment involves much of the same preparation that goes into preparing for most other types of plastic surgery treatments. Some of these things include:

  • Smoking cessation
  • Attending a pre-surgical physical assessment
  • Limiting your intake of alcohol
  • Modifying your dosage or intake of certain prescription medications
  • Modifying your dosage or intake of certain herbal supplements and vitamins
  • Ensuring you receive plenty of rest

Depending on your own medical history, your physician may have more recommendations for you based on certain elements of your personal health.

The LiveFill Pioneer of Beverly Hills

Dr. Brent and the rest of his award-winning team have spearheaded the development of the LiveFill technique, offering the residents of Beverly Hills and the rest of southern California the highest quality surgeries available. Do you find yourself interested in scheduling a consultation to determine whether LBAM proves the right choice for your needs? Then take a visit to our website to see why we remain the best cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills.

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