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Mini Facelift

A traditional facelift can bring about stunning results, improving your appearance and boosting your self-confidence. However, some patients may be uncomfortable with the more extensive nature of a facelift. For these patients, there are still plenty of options to rejuvenate and enhance their appearance. One popular procedure is the mini facelift. It is one of many procedures that Dr. Brent offers at his practice. He understands the importance of feeling like yourself and that aspects of your appearance can interfere with this. He provides patients with a procedure that can lend subtle enhancements while staying true to their unique features.

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Mini Facelift Overview

A mini facelift targets two main areas: the neck and the jawline. By using smaller incisions, Dr. Brent delivers a more youthful appearance while keeping the effect more subtle. It addresses wrinkles and excess skin without the more extended downtime required of a traditional facelift.

There are limitations to what it can do, but it can be an excellent option for patients in their 30-40s who want to address loose skin in the neck and jawline. Still, the procedure is open to a wide range of people. And many patients elect to have this procedure as a way to get ahead of aging.

What Makes a Mini Facelift Special?

  • Lighter anesthesia: you have the option of using only local anesthesia for this procedure.
  • Easier recovery: many patients find the recovery period less intensive than a full facelift.
  • Less scarring: by using shorter incisions and hiding them in the body’s natural creases, Dr. Brent minimizes visible scarring.

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Is It Right for Me?

There is not necessarily an upper age limit to qualify for this procedure. However, for patients with large amounts of excess skin, a traditional version may be more suitable. During your consultation, Dr. Brent will provide you with a personalized treatment plan. Each available procedure is what would benefit you the most.

Below are some signs that a mini facelift may be right for you.

  • You want to address wrinkles and excess skin around your lower face.
  • A shorter recovery time is essential to your schedule.
  • You want to achieve more subtle results with minimal scarring.

We would like to note that this procedure does not target signs of aging around the jowls or chin. However, as part of your treatment plan, Dr. Brent may recommend alternative procedures if these are your goals.

As this is a surgical procedure, we also have some recommendations for potential patients.

  • Be in good health. This will facilitate recovery and deliver optimal results.
  • Have achieved a stable weight. Weight fluctuations after surgery can alter your appearance.
  • Put a pause on smoking. If you smoke, it is best to pause this habit in the weeks leading up to surgery. Also, after your lift, avoid smoking until you are fully healed. Tobacco smoke can interfere with the healing process and your results.
  • Have healthy expectations and goals. Dr. Brent will inform you of what to expect during your consultation.

The Process

Once you have completed your consultations and are ready, you can schedule your mini facelift. The surgery itself typically only lasts 1-2 hours. During your procedure, most patients typically only require local anesthesia and a mild sedative, as the incisions are minimal. However, your comfort is a top priority. General anesthesia is also an option, so be sure to ask Dr. Brent about it if you have any concerns.

Immediately following your procedure, you can expect some swelling and bruising. This is entirely normal. However, it will be significantly less than a full facelift. These will subside in the following days as you rest. Typically, patients can return home the same day as the procedure. However, you will need someone to drive you home.

The Recovery Period and Downtime

Even though this is a “mini” procedure, there is going to be some downtime. Since the incisions are shorter, you will heal slightly faster, especially in the neck portion. However, much of the initial recovery will be similar to a traditional facelift.

Once the procedure is complete, Dr. Brent will provide you with a face wrap that should remain on for a full 24 hours. The total recovery time is between 1-2 weeks.

Your downtime will depend on the extent of your surgery. If you had very minor signs of aging, then you will likely see a shorter recovery period. For more extensive rejuvenation, the line can be blurred between a mini facelift and a full one. In these cases, you can expect to take off closer to two weeks.

In either case, Dr. Brent will provide you information both before and after your procedure about your recovery. This will include estimated recovery time and instructions to follow that will help you heal. One of the most important things you can do is to simply rest. Let your body focus on healing, and you will see better results.

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Contact Us Today

If you have excess skin or wrinkles around your face and jawline, there is something you can do about it. We understand that dissatisfaction with your appearance can have a powerful effect on your quality of life. It can lead to decreased self-confidence and general frustration. But you can take your appearance back into your own hands by scheduling a consultation today.

Dr. Brent of Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery is a double board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience. He has helped countless patients enhance and rejuvenate their appearance through his skill and eye for aesthetics. Call today to learn more about what treatment options he provides to patients in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles.

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